In this module I explored the effectiveness of a turbulent jet to cool a bus driver. I used the University of Bristol's supercomputer BlueCrystal 4 to run a high fidelity large eddy simulation (LES). This was used to simulate a cooling turbulent jet to prevent the bus driver succumbing to heat stroke. I also developed a custom, lower-fidelity, Reynold's Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver to compare against the more accurate LES model and allow for quicker jet size/velocity optimisation.
The aim of the project was to provide a engineering consultancy-style report within 7 working days to assess the feasibility of the turbulent jet. It was concluded that to achieve the client's desired performance - below 32 deg C everywhere in a region surrounding the driver's head (headbox) was impractical due to random turbulent fluctuations. Instead, a reduced target of an average of 32 deg C within the headbox was recommended as a more realistic target.